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Azra & Energies:

- Guidance and Parallel Lives
- Reading the Akashic Records
- Answers about your probable future
- Discussions with loved ones & souls
- Discover your psychics abilities
- Energy care

“Remember that we do not come to Earth just to learn our own lessons, but we also have an important role to play in the lives of those with whom we come in contact.”

- Michael Newton (American hypnotherapist)


Examples of Online Services
Total confidentiality, Zoom video or I will call you on your number (please notify me)
You can mix several services in a session


Akashic Records Reading


Communicate with deceased loved ones

I connect you to the Akashic records and request a reading for you with a particular intention that you have set. It is possible to request a specific reading on a fear, a blockage inherited from a previous life. Reading benefic effect will unlock this gradually over 1 to 6 months.

Your spiritual team is there from beginning to end of the session. They will mention parallel life as example to their message.

The same goes for positive skills that you would like to learn more quickly in this current life and that have been learned in other lives.

It is possible to let the loved ones come and see who shows up. It is also possible to contact a specific person. I repeat their words. You can of course ask your questions. They give you advice and sometimes tidbits about the future.

Messages are received by clairaudience. The video is sent to you after the session.

It is possible to mix guides and loves ones in a session.

30 Min Session - 60 Euros

60 Min Session - 110 Euros

ZOOM (no additional cost)

- In case of technical problems during the session, I will call you on your number

- Please let me know if you want to be called on your number instead of a Zoom video

30 Min Session - 60 Euros

60 Min Session - 110 Euros

ZOOM (no additional cost)

- In case of technical problems during the session, I will call you on your number

- Please let me know if you want to be called on your number instead of a Zoom video

Probable future


I connect myself to energies to answer your questions about your probable future.

PLEASE NOTE: This service is not intended to give precise figures or to provide future information that does not concern you (anyone other than yourself).

PLEASE NOTE: energies reflect probabilities. My goal is to give you the highest probability of an upcoming event. In no case can any of these probabilities be anticipated with certainty. Because your will (and that of others) is a decisive factor for your future.


Support from Spiritual Guides

I connect with your spirit guides (also sometimes called protective angels) so that they can provide you with advice and help in evolving. I repeat their words and describe the images received. Messages are received by clairaudience and channeling. Your private video is sent to you after the session.

Session of 30 Min - 60 Euros

Session of 60 Min - 110 Euros

ZOOM (no additional cost)

- In case of technical problems during the session, I will call you on your number

- Please let me know if you want to be called on your number instead of a Zoom video

30 Min Session - 60 Euros

60 Min Session - 110 Euros

ZOOM (no additional cost)

- In case of technical problems during the session, I will call you on your number

- Please let me know if you want to be called on your number instead of a Zoom video

Soins Energetiques



After my studies in law and finance, I worked for 15 years abroad as an employee of a fairly demanding company, my spiritual awakening was sudden.  Seeing many colleagues collapse under the weight of responsibilities; by experiencing health problems in addition to sports injuries, I have strengthened a deep desire to live in a world with less suffering. I then discovered that I could act by receiving and sending energy, love.

My method is intuitive. My spiritual guides guided me in this technique adapted to my soul and my body. All my life I will have the objective of improving my practice by drawing inspiration from other practices specific to each culture and religion.


I do not touch the person for energy treatment who is always remote and online. I use my whole body to channel energy and transmit it to you with an intention of care.

I am clairaudient and can pick up messages from the deceased and spiritual guides who support you every day. I can thus directly transcribe their words orally during a session.

I am present on social media (TikTok, Instagram) where I do live energy healing and deceased contact/guide live shows that everyone can experience for free.


Contact me

Merci pour votre envoi

Azra & Energies

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